It all begins with an idea.

Is my child developing like other kids? Am I doing this right? Why is getting help so complicated?

These are questions every parent asks themselves at some point. Children often grow past our concerns, but what happens when they don’t, and we can’t stop wondering? Navigating the testing, diagnosis, and intervention process isn’t easy; and you don’t have to do it alone.

Parent with Merit was created with the core belief that kids can accomplish big things when they are raised with intention, integrity, and respect for the child as an individual, and we are all capable parents. We just need a roadmap to follow at a pace we can handle, and that pace is different for every family.

We are here for you. Partnering with the Parent Pass™ App, Parent with Merit delivers targeted, easy-to-understand information to help you navigate the road from ‘something seems different…’ to feeling confident that your child has the intervention they need to live their best life and reach their fullest potential. You can also download all printables here.